Did you know that the costs for vehicle shipping can fluctuate? The price is contingent upon numerous variables, from the model and weight of the vehicle to the distance and company you decide to ship through.

Typically, shorter routes range between $500 – $700, and longer routes can reach as high as $1,500.

Vehicle shipping costs depend upon supply and demand. If there is an excess of vehicles that need to be transported, you will notice a difference in pricing. Other components that influence transport costs include whether the vehicle is operable, if you need an enclosed trailer for transportation, or if you require expedited shipping.

Many factors also influence the final price that you will pay. These factors include:

  • Trip distance
  • Vehicle make and model
  • Vehicle condition
  • Transport type
  • Location
  • Season during shipment

When you request our free, no-obligation quote, you’ll see that we ask for the make and model of the vehicle you’re hoping to transport. The reason for this is due to size. The taller and longer the vehicle, the more space they require on the transport vehicle. These larger vehicles cost more to move, so ensure the transporter knows upfront the make and model and any modifications done to the vehicle.

If your vehicle is inoperable, it becomes a time-consuming process for the transporter. Loading the vehicle often requires a forklift or a wrecker. Ensure that when you’re setting up the shipment, the transporter understands the vehicle does not run. If the transporter arrives to get the vehicle and they cannot load it due to this reason, you may be charged an added fee and they may not be able to pick up your vehicle as arranged.

To begin your free, no-commitment quote measure, click here.
